Monday, October 12, 2015

We’re back! And bigger than before...

Hello dear family and friends! 

It has been a looooong time since we have done a blog update...TOO long! So much has happened since our last post - too much to go over now....

We have some news that we felt to be worthy of a new blog post: we are having another baby! Team Breuls is growing! Yay! We’re all super-excited - especially Jasher! As far as we know, the bub is ‘due’ sometime in April next year. However, as many parents would testify, due dates don’t really mean a whole lot, as bubbas will come when they’re ready to!

Amidst our excitement, we have struggled a lot with my so-called ‘morning sickness’...24/7!! I have spent much of this pregnancy thus far, resting in bed or on the couch, trying not to vomit (sorry!), whilst also attempting to entertain our very active toddler! It’s been debilitating, to say the least! Loz has been doing a great job balancing work and ‘home duties’ as best as he can, as I have not been able to do very much at all. It has been hard on all of us...
Loz asked his mum to come down from Sydney to help us out for a week, to which she kindly obliged. She left today to go back to Sydney - we are so thankful for her help! Jasher is already missing her too!

I don’t recall my nausea being nearly as intense when I was pregnant with Jasher. I did experience some, but seemed to have been able to ‘manage’ it (somewhat) by eating small meals and resting when needed. Being in Timor-Leste at the time, I did face other struggles as we adjusted to another culture etc. Maybe it was by the grace of God that I didn’t struggle with such extreme nausea as well? 

In any case, I don’t believe it’s God’s will that I struggle during this pregnancy either...despite so many telling me that it is supposedly a ‘good’ sign that the baby is growing well. We’d really appreciate all your prayers for the return of my strength and for the nasty nausea to go away, in Jesus’ name! 

We also ask for prayer for wisdom in all our decisions - especially in regards to the birth of our second child. We would like to have a home birth, if possible. However, due to the high insurance premiums for midwives who do home births (and no government financial support for private home births), we really need God’s provision in order for this to happen. We don’t want to make decisions based on finances - especially when it comes to the birth of our baby - but desire only to be guided by the Holy Spirit in all that we do.

So, there you have it! Hopefully this post will be the beginning of many more! Sorry that we don’t have any photos to share at this time...maybe next time... 

Thanks for reading our blog once again...

Be blessed!

Love C, L, J and ‘bump’  :)

‘Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.’  Psalm 31:24